Nice reactions by the girl
3 monthsWell, no reaction by the spanked girl. So it's a little boring.
5 monthsLOL. So much talking during her spanking.
6 monthsVery emotional.
11 monthsThose eyes of the spanking model - so cute!
11 months"Abbey, write faster!" LOL
1 yearthe clip is broken.
1 yearSuch a cute and small butt - very spankable!
1 yearMore a fight than a spanking
1 yearShe makes such a fuss for a very soft spanking. Nevertheless, a cute and spankable butt.
1 yearWell, panties were not down although the Headmaster wanted to spank her bare bottom.
1 yearFunny advertisement for the "Bottom Recreation Creme" starting at 2:15 min.
2 yearsThanks for introducing this well known spanking model.
2 yearsThank you for bringing back this spanker who is always spanking with a smile.
2 yearsI can agree with the judgemet of the jury.
2 yearsThanks for this very early RS clip.
2 yearsInteresting position.
2 yearsA butt like a mountain. Well spanked.
2 yearsAny chance to see the video with her face?
2 yearsSpanking Musical.
2 yearsSuch a tough girl!
2 yearsThanks for the clip by SBB. They are rare to find.
2 yearsFunniest spanking clip of the week.
3 yearsK*mi is great as always.
3 yearsShe is a good actress and plays her role fine. Even more, she is beautiful.
3 yearsTwo Hungarian girls well punished. The cameraman missed her butts.
3 yearsVery emotional
3 yearsSuch a wobbling butt in urgent need of a spanking.
3 yearsIndeed - well spanked!
3 yearsSo much fun for them.
3 yearsSo emotional. So tearful. Great.
3 yearsBut where are ... the spankngs??
3 yearsFine reactions by the spanked girl.
4 yearsTwo cute little bottoms well spanked.
4 yearsI'm happy to finally have found again this great video. Thanks!
4 yearsIt's Chinese, not Japanese. Thx for uploading.
4 yearsTwo cuties with very spankable butts.