Spankings hurt, I feel sorry for her and she took it as well as she could, I cry when I'm spanked too, and know a lot of people will see it, she had a lot of mixed emotions.
Wow, did they get a newbie for this? If so kind of an oopsie, if not it's a shock she marked up so quickly. Either way very great scene since I'm such a sadist.
Nicely done well spanked bottom
Raven Hills produced some truly great spanking videos. Very real, good stuff.
Spankings hurt, I feel sorry for her and she took it as well as she could, I cry when I'm spanked too, and know a lot of people will see it, she had a lot of mixed emotions.
Very emotional
Wow, did they get a newbie for this? If so kind of an oopsie, if not it's a shock she marked up so quickly. Either way very great scene since I'm such a sadist.