watch end credits
2 yearsSasha Knox
3 yearsnot being mean, but do any of you that ask this question ever even pay attention to like the 1st 30-60 seconds of a vid? cuz the vast majority of the time the answer is usually there, or at most within the 1st 2 minutes. smh.....
3 yearstrue, but he was a funny asshole. also, if you remember tha original tagline that was on tha BBus site, tha word 'debauchery' was used, which pretty much foreshadowed/warned what you were in for
4 yearsklassic.
4 yearstha shadow of SBang has done it again. great upload, good sir
4 yearsklassic! great upload
4 yearsAv@ Ro$e, 1 of tha best PAWGs ever
5 yearsstill a legend
5 yearsJasmine Byrne, 1 of tha best latinas that ever done it
6 yearsi had this VHS, lol. klassic
6 yearsthanx for this upload, i've been lookin' for since her scene on NvG
6 were joking, right? now i understand tha other post(s). smfh....
6 yearssexy ass Anjelica Lauren
6 yearsklassic.
6 yearsMika's a straight asian goddess, she's 1 of my all-time favs
6 yearsVenus is so dope.
6 yearsi feel you on that note. last thing i wanna do is be close, & then a dude's face is suddenly on my screen mirroring me 'turning japanese', lol
6 yearsmissin' tha rest of tha last scene btw, i would kno; i still have this 1 on VHS, it was tha 1st of tha series i cop'd umpteen years ago, lol
6 years480 was HD back then tho, lol
6 yearsit kinda is becuz of that tho. a lot of porn takes itself too serious nowadays, & this was a series that was outright not taking itself seriously at all, with all of tha outrageous situations that were depicted. it was just meant for fun, & you could tell that pretty much all of tha actors/actresses that were involved just ran wild with it & had fun. 90s/early 2ks porn did that well, lol.
6 yearsPr1st1ne's a straight head monster! i luv watchin' her work!
6 yearsi luv it when i see some1 ask for a name that either shown or said within tha 1st 10-30 sec of a vid. it's like "are you that damn lazy?!"
6 yearsklassic scene
7 yearsOffice Freaks. klassic.
7 years2 of tha best headmasters that were in tha game, & i've alwayz dug how vocal they were. klassic shit here
7 yearsvid title says it all
7 yearsword.
7 yearsMaxine X
7 yearsnow THAT'S how you work a dick! out-phukking-standing.
7 yearsahh, tha awesome freakazoid stylings of Luscious Lopez.
7 yearsahh, Brianna. 1 of tha 1st pioneers of PAWGs.
7 yearsi don't know who Sasha Rose is, but i do know who that is in this vid, & while her name begins with an 'S', it isn't Sasha, lol
7 yearsproblem is tho, if it wasn't for that "camera man", you wouldn't have a lot of tha awesome [& some not-so-awesome] reality-based porn that we have today. he was tha trailblazer for a nice amount of it. just sayin'.
7 years*laughs hysterically*
7 yearsreal couple [as said by site]. now THIS is how you throw down for your man, & it shows you don't have to be a "porn star" to be sexual [aka a freak xD]. women, y'all need to get on this level, step ya game up! lol
7 yearsdon't have to be. my bad, lol
8 yearsthe always wonderful Annie Cruz
8 yearsPristine Edge
8 yearswooooooooo!! she's an overall keeper.
8 yearssexy ass Jazmine Cashmere
8 yearsahh, a true Legend of adult cinema.
8 yearsactress is Amber Lynn Bach
9 yearswhy yes! yes. it. iiiiissssss.