I want to get her pregnant so badly.
1 yearGod she was so perfect in her day.
1 yearWhat women are suppose to look like, god damn it!
1 yearThe ideal women. What they're SUPPOSE to look like.
1 yearEvery fathers dream.
1 yearHoly shit! I haven't seen C@mille Bl@ck in ages! So glad she's still working!
1 yearFucking love her passion.
1 yearWife Material.
1 yearHuman fucking perfection.
1 yearPorn is a million times better than any real woman could ever be! Fap with me, brothers!
1 yearCan I be your sister, big brother?
1 yearEvery mother should get pregnant by her son at least once.
1 yearEvery brother should play with his sister like this.
1 yearShe's like the sluttiest bimbo version of my mom and I love it.
1 yearI love you so much Ava! You're the perfect woman!
1 yearAll women are objects. They need to remember that.
1 yearLiterally the most important thing a woman can learn.
1 yearAny TS booty this hot is worth fucking.
1 yearHuman fucking perfection.
1 yearTwo GOATS!
1 yearHuman perfection, taken from us way to soon.
2 yearsDamn right. Women are objects. Women are cum dumpsters. And the more plastic, the better.
2 yearsmmmmm fuck yes, baby. You know what a real woman is suppose to be!
2 yearsAll the haters in the comments pretending the still wouldn't smash!
2 yearsFuckin' wife material.
2 yearsWhat women are suppose to look like.
2 yearsThe family I always wanted.
2 yearsGladly!
2 yearsThe hottest black woman on earth. I love her so much.
2 yearsWow. That was one hell of an introduction!
2 yearsSo fucking perfect. I want to be the next one to get her pregnant.
2 yearsThe ideal woman is a bimbo whore.
2 yearsPerfect bimbo whore.
2 yearsThe ideal family.
2 yearsPorn shows us what women are suppose to be. Why would I walk away from that? Pornosexual for life. Porn is my god and savior.
2 yearsWho else wants to get her pregnant?
2 yearsShe should have kept her cock.
2 yearsDepressing as fuck.
2 yearsI'd be so proud to call Arianna my mother.
2 yearsWho is this perfect whore?
2 yearsNothing better than a fit bitch with fake tits.
2 yearsWhat I wouldn't give to start a family with this fucking psycho.
2 yearsI wish she was my mother.
2 yearsShe knows her place. More women need to be trained like her.
2 yearsWhat women are suppose to look like.
2 yearsWe've got to normalize women doing this to their bodies.
2 yearsThe ideal mother.
2 yearsThere is nothing better than a woman who goes bimbo. Its what the world is suppose to be.
2 yearsThe ideal woman.
2 yearsWhere can I buy her?
2 yearsThe hottest black woman EVER.
2 yearsHuman Perfection.
2 yearsShe was so fucking perfect in her hayday.
2 yearsApperently she was made fun of for getting older. I don't think that was the problem at all. I think her solo homemade shit just didn't make any money because its boring and has no passion.
2 yearsHuman perfection. I'd kill to get her pregnant.
2 yearsShe's never going to do real porn and I hate that.
2 yearsThe ideal woman.
2 yearsStill the hottest lesbian video of all time.
3 yearsA woman who knows her place.
3 yearsCarmella was a god in her prime. I hope she'll make the effort to drop the rest of her extra weight, and come back as the sexy milf she should be.