she could definitely use a weed wacker
1 monththis is gay af
1 monthBEFORE she ruined her titties
1 monthi wish they'd stop casting this dude! he talks like he has a mental disability
1 monthI wish a muh'fucka would tell me to put a condom on for some head, nah I'll pass
1 monthcute face but that body is trash
2 monthsIt's some SERIOUS man law violations going on here! kissing her with another mans nut on her lips?? eating her after another man fucked her? BRUH
4 monthsShe's gotten old and STILL whoring! You can't stop a born whore
4 monthssame!
5 monthsshes sexy but her titties are wack
7 monthsI hope they paid him a lot to fuck this ugly muh'fucka LOL
7 monthsI REALLY wish someone would shut this rat faced dude the fuck up]
7 monthsshe is just my type]
10 monthsWtf? This is gay as fuck
1 yearI'm mad he ain't have her take them titties out
1 yearwhere's the scene?
1 yearthat is one hideous looking woman
1 yearwish they'd stop allowing these hoes to come on set with them fake lashes
1 yearoh shit, I saw DJ Yella from NWA. I knew he did porn but never sawit
1 yearCamera man and editor needs to be fired and banned from the industry
1 yearI love her titties!!!
1 yearI really wish they'd stop confusing CURVY for big. I don't mind big but don't tell me CURVY and she's just big
1 yearwhy the whiteboys givin better content with african women? Skeet on these hoes faces man
2 yearsthat pussy was dry she wasn't happy she was dry and hurtin lol
2 yearsIt was, she kept saying "they weren't reduced just lifted" but we can CLEARLY see them titties been fucked up. She shoulda left em alone
2 yearsThem titties are SAD!
2 yearsI LOVE her!!! She's always been so sexy to me
2 yearsMarliese Morgan
2 yearsI love them titties
2 yearsCrazy thing is they're married
2 yearsone of hte best cumshots EVER
2 yearscan't stand his rat faced ass. fuckin up a good vid
2 yearswackass cumshot! shoot that face up bruh
2 yearsIt's so SAD that a grown ass woman is that damn FLAT
2 yearscaramel was NEVER a cum dodger
2 yearswish they'd stop casting this rat mouth'd dude
2 yearsCrazy these two end up married
2 yearswow some dummy put a ring on her
2 years"those are some nice tits" a lie doesn't care who tells it
2 yearswhat is her name?
2 yearsI hate fake ass cum shots
2 yearsWhat kinda lame doesn't take the bra off?!?! shoulda showed them titties
2 yearsshoulda made her take off them dumbass lashes
2 yearswho the fuck butchered her titties??!
2 yearsshes scared of nut, WTF
2 yearsher name?
2 yearsAnyone know her name?
2 yearswho the fuck eats pussy other men JUST had their dicks in??!?! WTF?
2 yearsher husband is a sucker LOL. she's like "it's all about ME!"
3 yearsI can understnd why they're married
3 yearsthis clown ruiins it. plus who the fuck spits on pussy that pretty?
3 yearsI REALLY wish they would never book this goofy ass dude
3 yearsThose tits are awful, so obviously fake
3 yearsfacts shes nasty
3 yearsI really wish they'd stop casting this rat faced dude
3 yearsWHY do they keep giving this goofy rat faced dude a job?!?! He's almost as irritating as wesley pipes
3 yearsmore like cum SPITTING
3 yearsShe needs to change her name to amber spits
3 yearsI'm just curious about how much they paid her to stoop so low! Like WTF?
3 yearsI wonder if she did any more movies because it's obvious she didn't enjoy this one
4 yearswhoa, to be the lame eating pussy after everyone else fucked...
4 yearsI remember her from AW. she caught the facial and almost cried
4 yearsI know a truckstop shower when I see one
4 yearswhat's her name?
4 yearsI LOVE her nipples!
4 yearsI woulnd't even wanna waste my time with her with DELOTTA BROWN right there!!!
4 yearsthey should have edited that gay ass sword fighting scene
4 yearsPromise
5 yearsshe fucked up the ending
5 yearsanyone have anymore of her? What's her name?
5 yearscamera man was an idiot
5 yearshorrible camera angle! ALWAYS keep the light IN FRONT OF your subject
5 yearsWho butchered those tits?
5 yearsWho the fuck is still fingering pussies? We are adults, just lick it
5 yearsRayne or rain not sure of the spelling.
6 yearsI'm trying to remember, but I just can't I saw her in another video with a guy name Suave but the name escapes me.
6 yearshorible camera man
6 yearswho the fuck does a blowjob and nut on her ASS? Face or mouth
6 yearsShould have used a biscuit instead of a cookie
6 yearsDamn she should have pulled them lil titties out
6 yearswould be if she had some titties
6 yearsShe's desperate as fuck LMAO
6 yearsshe didn't swallow anything, WTF ?
6 yearsI really wish she'd have told him to SHUT THE FUCK UP! he fuckede up a good scene
6 yearsyeah, he's LITERALLY sweating on her! lol
6 yearswhoever is the camera should be shot, he kept showing HIS face during the cumshot
6 yearsWill someone tel him to SHUT THE FUCK UP
7 yearsCamera man on the second cumshot should be FIRED. Don't put the camera on the guys face
7 yearswho is she? does she have more scenes?
7 yearsShe's far from a teen LMAO
7 yearsWTF?!? She BUTCHERED her titties!?!?!
7 yearsfix the sound!
7 yearslol @ he passed her a best buy gift card
7 yearsshe is beautiful, what is her name?!?
7 yearsoh shit I know her, that's Asia G Harden