no sounds
1 daywhy no audio?
6 daysquite boring actually
11 daysstop constantly moving the feet ffs
11 daysweirdly angled feet though.
11 daysnice
2 weeksgreat lifts
1 monthfirst 20 min was a bit too repetitive with doing the same thing and getting the same reaction. last 9 mins were great
1 monththe girl getting spanked has such a slim long face
1 monthhow is she 54? wow, such a fit body for that age
4 monthsawesome
4 monthsnice
5 monthsweird music
5 monthsher name is vanessa kelly
5 monthsthis
5 monthswhy does she speak like an idiot, though`? lol
5 monthsdouga, i think
5 monthsthe one in red had such a great ass though not as great a face
6 monthsthe guy looks like an idiot
6 monthslmao not even the same people in the videos
6 monthsterrible audio
6 monthslol she looks so uninterested
6 monthsBrown haired girl's acting sucks lol
6 monthsw ho is the one on the right? great ass
9 monthsawesome
9 monthshis acting was always so bad.
9 monthshe keeps making noises until the end though?
9 monthsselena gomez?
10 monthswho is she
11 monthsdude kept tapping out after 3-4 seconds. what a bitch he is to her lol
1 yeara shame u guys dont hgave more scissoring
1 yearwhere is the KO?
1 yearnice! where is the rest of this video?
1 yeargirl in pink has terrible acting skills.
1 yearany more of these two?
1 yearwho is she
1 yearterrible music
1 yearboring
1 yearwho is she
1 yearclean your feet ffs
1 yearbad audio and vid quality from the producer
1 yearwhere is the rest
1 yearthat's a really flat ass
1 yearshe's good
1 yearwho are they
1 yearwhere is this from`?
1 yearwhat is her name?
1 yearnah, more like she's a poor actress and can't come up with lines unless she follows a script
1 yeartara
2 yearswow
2 yearstoo much spitting ffs
2 yearsgreat
2 yearsgreat
2 yearshe goes to the gym, but she's stronger?
2 yearsgreat
2 yearsman's lying there with a massive boner lol
2 yearswow!!
2 yearssuch an irritating guy.
2 yearspretty boring.
2 yearscameraman is an idiot. stop moving so much and stop using weird angles!
2 yearswho is this
2 yearsshit music
2 yearsawesome lifts
3 yearswho is she
3 yearsimpressed that he stayed hard despite them never touching his dick lol
3 yearstoo fat
3 yearsshe says "fucking" in every sentence lol.
3 yearsbebe is her name
3 yearsboring
3 yearstoo big breasts tbh
3 yearsher insta profile is pocahontas_lynnfitt
3 yearsgreat ass
3 yearspocanhontas. aka Lynn_fit