"I got in the right fucking car!" So did he, fuck! LOL!
2 months"I love watching that dick bounce." Me fucking too, bro. Goddamn lol.
2 monthsClose your eyes, greatest sex of all time. Trans queens forever!
4 monthsThe fucking goat
4 months19:41, fuuuccckkk..... 😍😍😍
8 monthsThat one when she had the black leather pants right? LOL, that's the first time I ever saw her for sure. IMMEDIATELY turned me the fuck out!
10 monthsBro, for real. Probably off a pill or something. Kinda sad, I never saw her like that before in a scene....
11 monthsTwo of my all time favorites. Keisha got a nice ass. Jada got a PHAT ass. Levels...
12 monthsPre-injected lube
12 monthsBruh, how the hell I'm JUST seeing this? Never knew they did a scene together and I used to try and find EVERYTHING with these two in it lol!
1 yearThat boy Nat Turnher did lol
1 yearSomewhat in his defense, who we kidding. She too much for 80% of men out there lol!
1 yearNah bro, that's thick lol. You saying cause she don't have huge cheeks it's just curvy but if a chick ass was huge with small thighs and practically no breasts you'd allow the "thick" title. Doesn't make sense, especially considering she do have ass...
1 yearPLEASE tell me the girl at 2:24 with the four-way split screen
1 yearSomebody GOTTA have her name...
1 yearNot until she start doing anal/DP.
1 yearYou didn't see the laughing emoji at the end? I'm not complaining, that shit just goofy to me.
1 yearI still can't understand why a bitch would think showing her booty hole was somehow more "respectable" than showing her pussy
1 yearWell, explain her saying to "suck this dick."
1 yearNo one said you are. We said that's not a "girl" lol.
1 yearYou were too busy jacking off to this
ass scene to notice
1 yearThat makes two of us bro lol
1 yearThe way her dick staying hard and she not even jerking off is seriously turning me the fuck on
1 yearBut........ how?
1 yearYou saying that is like Michael Jackson saying how he hated touring.
I'm sure it sucks doing the work behind-the-scenes but for what it's worth you're definitely masterful at it.
1 yearAugust Taylor
1 yearDid you ever find out?
1 yearScarlet Rose
1 yearShe still on CS and still look good but fuck her body was fucking perfect here...
1 year17:10 to 19:52, I'm fucking mesmerized
1 yearWho's the girl at 1:54?
1 yearAssh Lee
1 yearIt was super dope how he mixed her in
1 yearPayton Preslee
1 yearWho's the mistress chick?
1 yearThe woman/scene that turned me out on t-girl porn right here
1 yearAt this point we just gotta hope we don't come across one this fine cause let's face it fellas, nine times out of ten we going for it
1 yearStill no one knows?
1 yearSo fucking soft bro, scene would've been even more amazing if he was fucking her raw
1 yearPersonal opinion, "gay" means sexually attracted to other men. These types of transgender females are a little too feminine look-wise for anyone to say being attracted to them is being sexually into men to me. They don't just look like some dudes with wigs on lol. Most in this comment section don't look at what would even be considered an attractive dude and feel any arousal at all...
2 yearsI don't know HOW in the hell L@cey didn't blow up in the industry like that back then, she was supposed to be just as big as Alex!s Tex@s if you ask me...
2 yearsBro you're bugging lol. Mandy does anal, DP, plenty of lesbian vids, just as much interracial, gangbangs. I like Valerie's ass more too, at one point she was my fav performer but like I said, her career could've been waaayyy greater than what it turned out to be...
2 yearsIt's cause she already had a curvaceous body type and thick thighs, so it didn't look unnatural when she got her ass done. If she didn't tell us and came in the game like that we'd have all assumed it was her natural figure...
2 yearsNah. Mandy way too much more of a freak lol. Valerie Kay career nowhere near what it should've been...
2 yearsI don't think you'd have a choice BUT to tongue her bootyhole, that thing too perfect...
2 yearsSexy as fuck