she should probably be held down, tied up, and shot for that haircut, but anyway, how does a bitch even get that loose at 18-19, anyway?
1 yearThis a bitch who 100% has a dad that didn't give the first fuck about her. Well, maybe the first
2 yearsPfft. They give out two BBCs to everybody for anything these days. Back in my day there weren't any "participation BBCs." You had to earn'm, let alone TWO!! AND IN THIS TOGETHER ECONOMY!? Smdh
2 yearsWack that this otherwise excellent video gets cut off right as the dude's dick is, assuredly, erupting. Can't find the full scene for free, elsewhere, as easily as I need to bother hunting it down. Wack
2 yearsPersonally, AJ my favorite of all-time but, at least in my eyes, Jada Stevens underrated af
2 yearsNever been much of a fan of her [*uhm* "enhanced"] boobs, but BY GOD if she hasn't had one of [if not THE PRETTIEST] the prettiest faces in porn* (*since the dawn of the "broadband-digital age)
2 yearsWhat a perfectly pretty little cumslut
2 yearsThe feast that this clip DOESN'T show us is REALLY what you'd want to see; TRUST ME!
2 yearsMan, of KK's body was on par with her face, she'd be UNPARALLELED... thassa pretty-ass girl
2 yearsGoddamn that was an INSPIRED fucking moneyshot!!!