You proved that you are ignorant idiot. I've literally handed you the information yet you continue to deny the obvious. You're either trolling or stupid beyond belief.
8 monthsYou can't be this incompetent. Here. I did your work for you. You have no reason to be embarrassingly wrong anymore even after you were told.
1 yearYou need to take your own advice. You can literally type in that clip store number and it will take you to her page. It's so obvious it's her the fact that you don't recognize that isn't even funny.
1 yearYes it is.
1 yearThank you
1 yearWho's the first girl?
3 yearsD01NG Th3 M0ST3ST
5 yearsYou know her name?
5 yearsJenna Preston
6 yearsI want to know what she was drawing on that paper. A bunch of lines?
6 yearsIts hard to concentrate when shes cracking jokes. Shes pretty funny though. Found myself laughing a few times.
6 yearsAnybody have a name?
6 yearsWho is she?
6 yearsdo you know her name
6 yearsplease tell me you have a name