Bro why gotta roast her in the title like that?
5 monthsLast bitch who she is?
6 monthsName?
6 monthsName?
9 monthsMusic WAY too loud. Can barely hear the squeals
11 monthsWho this?
1 yearWhat is happening? I'm out of the loop
1 yearLearn to read
1 yearName?
1 yearName?
1 yearAre you retarded?
1 yearWho she?
1 yearWho she?
1 yearWho this bitch?
1 yearWho this?
1 yearClean up plz
1 yearName?
1 yearName?
1 yearName?
1 yearThis needs to happen
1 yearone of these girls got fucked over
1 yearName that slut
1 yearHoly shit what a horrible song
1 yearThey have no food to eat, give him a break
1 yearBlonde?
1 yearHoly shit that's the guy that runs Invicta on YT
1 yearThats a 1/10 bro
1 yearSONG NAME on the 1st one
1 yearSo fake
1 yearAnnabelle Rogers
1 yearHell yeah bro, jacking on HBO nostalgia
1 yearShe looks like an ironing board
1 yearThe chant of their people
2 yearsThis is how it's done. Music isn't drowning out the moans and sounds of their asses being pounded. While big dick music plays in the background
2 yearsTurn off the music dumbass
2 yearsThis man is my hero
2 yearsYikes your right. Her teeth are fucked