Yun pa napansin bading amputa hahahahaha
2 monthslol caught
3 monthsTaenang title yan hahaha
4 monthsName?
5 monthsLesson: Intentionally block in a parking lot to get laid.
6 monthsNice username
7 monthsIt's been a really long time for today only
7 monthsCertified hood classic. Still searching for this since the 2010s.
9 monthsThank goodness for shortstacks.
10 monthsName?
10 monthshwite
10 monthsThanks!
11 monthsName?
1 yearOne of Australia's best exports
1 yearWhat year was this in?
1 yearImagine getting paid to act like you are having the worst time in your life pretending to be the husband of a pornstar.
1 yearHooray for no Japanese censorship
1 yearBalik araw daw tayo dito par hahahaha
2 yearsA Facebook meme brought me here
2 yearsName?
2 yearsName?
2 yearsQUEENS
2 yearsThe real secret of Attack on Titan
2 yearsbig tits carol
2 yearsName?
2 yearsThanks fam
2 yearsOne of the best
2 yearsName?
2 yearsName?
2 yearsNames?
2 yearsClassic
3 yearsOne of the bests.
3 yearsMaserati
4 yearsWHo is she?