Wish I could do this to my ex
3 months1:18 *language she doesn't understand* Chloe: mmmm yaaaaah🤣
4 monthsDumb slut 😍
4 months1:30 ... love the awkward pause 🤣😍 Yeah bitch you love cock as long as I'm paying you🤣😭 keep stroking whore
4 monthsSome of the prettiest feet ever, but she's dumb as a door nail. Hot combo
9 monthsBig footed slut pies herself for money😂😍
10 monthsSucha perfect face to fuck too
10 monthsLove this whore's absolutely massive feet
10 monthsLove this whore's massive feet
1 yearIs this the same chick from some of your other vids ? Love her huge feet
1 yearName please
3 yearsDoes she still make content ?!
3 yearsname anyone?
3 yearsWho is she
3 yearshey what's her name