who is she?
6 monthsWho is she
7 monthsWho is she
10 monthsName?
1 yearDo you have other videos?
1 yearwho is she
1 yearWho is she
1 yearscreen recorder or phone
1 yearReported
1 yearI was just checking to see how fast videos upload
2 yearsDo you have any others of her
2 yearsWho is she
2 yearsDon't post shit Like this again
2 yearsStop posting these trash azz videos
2 yearsYall queers stop posting dick videos
2 yearswtf is this dont post facebook videos on here again
3 yearswhats her name?
3 yearsThis chick is ugly as Fucccccccc yall Desperate dude making these girls rich
3 yearswho is the chick in scene one?
3 yearsWhat's her name
3 yearswho is she?
3 yearsWho is she?
3 yearswho is she?
3 yearsWhat's her name?
3 yearsPost the videos you got
3 yearsHer name
3 yearsYou can tell her ass is super fake
3 yearsWhat's her name
3 yearsWho is she?
4 yearsShe looked alot better before she turned around
4 yearsDo you have other videos
4 yearsdo you have more of her?
4 yearsDo you have any other of her videos?
4 yearswho is she?
4 yearswhos is this?
4 yearsWho is she?
4 yearsName please
4 yearswho is she?
4 yearswho is she?
4 yearswho is she?
5 yearsname please
5 yearswhat is her name?
5 yearswhats your name?
5 yearswhat is here name?
8 yearsWhy no videos just photos?