Hahaha yeah! , I like to see how she is too much for old Harry, it always makes him extra horny
3 yearsMadre mia seguro al terminar la grabacion hubo un bukkake de parte del equipo tras de camaras
3 yearsThis voluptuous big girl is way too sexy for these guys. She made them moan and scream in the grand finale
I'm sure that behind the scenes someone laughed a bit at them hehehe
3 yearsHahahaha yeah! and the look she gives Harry at 26:12 she was thinking: "I almost killed this old man"
3 yearsI agree, Harry is the best, he has more resistance lasting longer, BUT if you look, he is the only one who screams loudly when he explodes when he cums hahahahaha something tells me that Daphne makes him very stressed.
3 yearsOMG! watching this video any man can cum quickly, hahaha lol what a amazing ebony queen!!
4 yearsjajajajaja pobre tipo, lo acorralaron en las escaleras, ni tiempo para desvestirse vaya calentada madre mia LOL
5 yearsThe day when Lupe caught her husband
5 yearsGood lesson for those idiots who tried to intimidate her, Lupe left them in ridicule puting them so horny hahaha poor guys victims of the Latin poison of this hot little girl
5 yearsThis guy has been fucking Lupe many times, I think he must be obsessed with her, what's his name?
5 yearsLupe made these two boys very horny hahaha, they lived their Latin sexual fantasy; and the final poison was her pretty little feet, what a way to make them explode LOL, Good scene.
5 yearsexcelente parody!
5 yearsCreo que a los de un banco de esperma NO les gustaria ver este desperdicio ; y un cardiologo no se que les diría a estos tontos, al ver ese estresante ritmo cardiaco que sufrieron por la calentada que les dió ver a esta tragona desnuda esperando tanta "leche"
5 yearsMaybe this was the day Ryan pregnant Maserati