You don't know what BBW means, she's slim and curvey not fat and thick
7 monthsIf you had plenty of money you could have fucked her, she was a expensive whore for a number of years not sure if she is still on the game.
8 monthsJust another lazy ass niglet
8 monthsBrilliantly Divine
10 monthsDude just did the bare minimum, she's hot but this is just another generic lazy porn clip
10 monthsShe's hot ? You like fat ugly cunts.
10 monthsShe isn't Latin, she's Egyptian
1 yearErrr yeah man it is she advertises as an escort and all you need is the money for her rate.
1 yearLucky ? She's a whore anyone can fuck her.
1 yearShe been escorting for decades
1 yearDogshit camera man missed the money shot
1 yearBoring...At least suck her pussy or eat her ass or something..
1 yearIncorrect...Fat is not a euphemism for "curvey"..She is neither "fat" or "thick" she is fucking "curvey"...DUH
1 yearShe isn't thick, she's curvey..2 different things
1 yearShe's not thick, certainly not thick thick..She's what you call "curvey"
1 yearYour mama
1 yearCris Galera
But what does this have to do with California ?
1 yearGarbage scene but she's hot, she needs to be put to work with guys that can use that meat properly.
1 yearWho gives a fuck if it looks good and it does.
1 yearFun fact her real name isn't actually karina it's Viviane.
1 yearIf she had a flat ass she wouldn't be on here
1 yearThat's Brazilian Cris Galera,she aint married.
1 yearstfu the money shot was fucking great, there was no waste you tit
1 yearShe's not a milf you donut
1 yearThat was a complete waste of 4 minutes
1 yearwtf is this shit a bunch of posing and some kids with a hottie and a clown slapping her ass who can't even get hard
1 yearBrazilian woman you blind moron
1 yearBrazilian not Indian
1 yearThat's Romi Rain
1 yearTeresa May dumbo
1 yearShe's human, she lives in Miami i have seen her several times
1 yearKaren Havary
1 yearShe is in London escorting right now
1 yearDan Kreamer and another sperm girl
1 yearMore Sperm Girls
1 yearNo her personally do you, since onlyfans debuted bitches nowadays will do anything
1 yearNina Elle not Nicolette Shea dumbo
1 yearDan Kreamer putting in work with the sperm girls
1 yearDan Creamer putting in work
1 yearDan Creamer knows what to do fella
1 yearDan Creamer spraying his cream in another poo chute
1 yearDan Creamer got himself a new site called the Cream Academy
1 yearNo, Ryan Conner was doing porn in the late 90's
1 yearStupid title and incorrect, he's cum on multiple occasions with various women
1 yearThese 2 talk too much
1 yearBrazilian
1 yearCris Galera, Brazilian whore fucked her multiple times when she wa sin London for 6 months
1 yearShe used to whore in London fucked her several times
1 year£150 for an hour bargain, i had her aswell
1 yearAndrew Tate in boss mode
1 yearBig Mama
1 yearName ?
2 yearsShe is Venezuelan not Colombian
2 yearsOh whoopeeee fucking doooo
2 yearsThis girl is sooooo fucking boring, never does nothing !
2 yearsBoring typical posing bs, either fuck a guy or fuck off !
2 yearsWhat's the point ? This is a porn site not a posing with bra on site