This guy is a hero
1 yearShe's really gone downhill.
1 yearnothing better than a down on her luck teenager making you cum for a nominal amount of money
1 yearSo fresh
2 yearsHope she got an STD
2 yearsChloe Rose
2 yearsBlack women are disgusting, not beautiful.
2 yearsDamn she was pretty far along when she aborted this one
2 years11:30 she moans asking for her mama
2 yearsShe outlived her usefuleness. No loss to society
2 yearsShe's dead lol
2 yearsActually it's better when she's not into it
2 yearsAnd then beat her ass
2 yearsDead whore
2 yearsWhere is this from?
3 yearsOutlived her usefulness
3 yearswhere is this from
3 yearsWhores should stay in their lane.
4 yearsShe was on that junkie diet. Lost all her curves.
4 yearslol, as if she wasn't trash before?
4 yearsNothing's better than hiring a high school senior for sex
4 yearsAnd shot after
4 yearsShe's a disgusting ape
4 yearsLol no wonder she killed herself.