Sound Needs Fixing
2 yearsruined by Russian talking over the film in parts
2 yearsDoesnt play is all choppy
2 yearsPlayto's retreat
2 yearsIs Boogie Down 2
2 yearsGood Polt Lines. Like the 70's movies had.
2 yearsWhat is with the cut scene to s western movie in the middle?
3 yearsWho is the Big Titted Girl?
3 yearsThe Good Old Days When You Could Put Popular Music In A Porno.
3 yearsAnyone Know name of 1st song and performer?
3 yearsSan Fran Cisco Accordian
3 yearsThis is a really old video that was part of a professional vid
3 yearsWhats with English guys and anal?
3 yearsPattaya is the low budget area of Thailand with a lot of street crime. Bangkok is a much better and safer place to go.
3 yearsWhat number is this?
3 yearsJohn Holmes is not in this movie
3 yearsJohn Holmes is not in this movie
3 yearsAmai Liu Is American and no Thai in her.
3 yearssound is bad, reupload
4 yearsAnnie Cruz is American and Hispanic Heritage. No Thai at All
5 yearsName Misleading is a boob movie not an Asian Movie