Elvis? Is that you?
9 monthsOlia Shkabarnya. Russian, not Polish. And this video's about 1,000 years old.
11 monthsL o l a H e a r t.
1 yearSfsfsgsg?
1 year"Stunning brunette" huh... if you say so.
1 yearI came down here just to write "Lori London" i.e. just to identify the girl, but then I saw what you wrote, so now I'm just gonna go stand quietly in the corner over there. Hold all my calls.
1 yearUh, **NO** it's not... get your eyes checked.
1 yearThere's not enough color. There should be way more. Like way.
1 yearWins prize for one of the dumbest titles I've ever seen.
1 yearWeird how TT Boy looks kinda like Mr. Marcus now. Not exactly, but you know... like, pretty close.
1 year*NOT* Mariah Milano.
1 yearName's Z03 ©L4RK.
1 yearDon't think so.
1 yearNot exactly funny, but definite points for originality!
1 yearMaaarynip.
1 yearShe's anaK aturusT (thx!).
1 yearPretty sure she can make it sound even faker if she really focuses.
1 yearTo clarify, it's not the M!@ R053 who was around between 2006–2014 and did over 100 Clips, and it's not the recent one who did about a dozen... it's the one from 2003–2009 who (according to IAFD) did 74 clips.
1 yearGood call! Just FYI, it's "H***di B*sk", not "H***dy B*sk", which is to say with the first name ending in "—di", not "—dy" (if you look 'er up on IAFD with the "—dy" spelling, you'll actually get 0 results).
1 year^^ Unfortunately comments like this are almost always from guys.
1 year^^ True dat. Veddy true.
1 yearI know, I've been wanting to i.d. her for like a year now. Don't know the DvD code either, and haven't seen her in anything else. She's not exactly a classic beauty (lol) but there's something about her.
1 yearHer feet are the perfect size, if she were 9 feet tall and weighed 290 lb. I mean wtf?
1 year*Not* Logan Lace, aka Logan Sinns. Not even close in fact, so wtf.
1 yearLogan Sinns.
1 yearVery old.
1 year53tsuna K1n0x0. Legendary Colombiana.
1 yearThx, much appreciated!
1 yearᴊᴜʟɪᴇ ꜱɪʟᴠᴇʀ. Video's definitely from either 2003 or 2004.
1 yearElvis... who you?
2 yearsTake your censoring and stick it you know where.