The gorgeous Kelly Trump.
3 yearsAnd that's why as a BM,I don't like black bitches at all. Why would I like a group of women that hates me? Fuck all BW anyways,they stress BM to death. Just look at how BW treat BM,and WM. They treat WM as gods,and treat BM like shit.
3 yearsThat like 90 percent of western women,and 90 percent of black women. That's why I go aboard when I hook up with women. I do not like most western women,and don't like any black women because of BW like Megan. As a BM,I have no interest in BW because of BW like Megan Vaughn,and BW,and most western women always make everything about race,and material crap.
5 yearsThe worst black male pornstar ever Ron Hightower hands down. I'm not crazy about Julian,but he's better than Ron.
5 yearsDamn she's fine,but why they couldn't get Lexington instead of this annoying-ass MF?
6 yearsWhite dick lover J.P.
6 yearsThis fat bitch is only into white guys. Just looked her up.
6 yearsBullshit!
6 yearsWhat the heck did she get a boob job? She was just fine without it.
6 yearsYour an idiot,and a simp. With more,and more BM leaving BW,for non-black,it's more like the other way around. She's lucky,not him.
7 yearsI really get annoyed of dumbasses putting he's lucky to be doing these many chicks,but when it's a bunch of guys sharing a bitch,then no one says she's lucky. The double standard in porn is real.
7 yearsAnd how's that?