I remember whern this video came out when she was still alive. This was the video that opened my eyes to edging control and femdom teasing.... This is the absolute best video of that genre.
3 yearsYep... it's finding things like this online that reminds me how old I am.... LOL
3 yearsI wonder is she ever thouhght of NOT doing this sort of tease in front of that background...
3 yearsCan you imagine how sexy she would be if she had a brain too?
3 yearsAnyone else wish they had this gaal as their neighbor?
3 yearsNow there is a gal with some talent..... heeheee.. hot looker for sure
3 yearsTHE best handjob of all time. She died way to early in life...
4 yearsno, i visted there yesterday.... She is live there almost every day.
4 yearsShe is the absolute best live dangling around. longetslegs yeah spelled odd. on visit x
4 yearstoo bad this chic never speaks english
4 yearsHer name is "Another Slut Online with a cam"
4 yearsdamnit... in german. She just looked like someone who owns cocks... which i could understand her..
4 yearsAnd it is weird, whoever posts her videos also losses their spankbang account, but they let the videos stay up.
4 yearsThese video lose me and i click off as soon as the whole "calibrate your breathing" through a notsral crap starts.
4 yearsthis reminds me of the gal ya pick up at the bar who ya thought was gonna be hot and a fuck from heaven... then after you fuck her, you realize you need MUCH more of a woman than this...
4 yearsFUUUuuuccckk.. Hearing her say "Edge for me" makes my cock leak....
6 yearsThese videos would be GREATLY improved, if they contained some pussy play, or hitachi work in combination with the spanking.
6 yearsWhere can I sign up for this? But for twice as long?