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I wish she had done moRe D.P.'s and gangbangs in heR caReeR buT this is one oF heR besT and a sTR8 up cLassic.!!
2 yearsShuT up dWeeB.!!
3 yearsDuMb ass was doinG jusT fine unTiL he sTupidLy sTaRTed side fuxKinG this biMbo.!
3 yearsa.K.a. "Ja5L1N D1/\Z"
3 years"An93L MaR1E"
4 yearsSiLLy buT seXy misguided sLuT couLd'Ve beeN so muCh moRe....
4 yearsSeXy young sLuT needs to hop oFF the cam and geT in the gaMe she a baddie faSho.!
4 yearsReTiRed Gag93Rs sLuT didn'T lasT lonG in the BiZ.
4 yearsHeR and /\shL3Y P1nK looK a loT liKe sisTeRs.
4 yearsI goTTa find a copY oF this in beTTeR quaLiTy so I can upScaLe iT this was so good baxK in the daY.
4 yearsJuRieS stiLL ouT on this....
4 yearsT0Ri & R/\yL3nE
4 years"H/\L0n/\ V0G"
4 yearsInTeResTinG tidbiT oF inFo....
4 years"/\n93L M@R1E"
4 years"/\L1Ci/\ TyL3R"
4 yearsWheRe's the resT.!????!!?
4 years"K/\TJ/\ K@551N"
4 years"$1nn/\M0N L0V3"
4 yearsThis vid is fuxKed up re-upLoad iT.!!!
4 yearsI've seen heR do waY woRsT.!!
4 yearsHe gaVe BeLLaDonna heRpeS so maybE.....
4 yearsThis is "JayC33 ST4RR's" mama beLieVe iT oR noT.!
4 years[Ch4n3L ChaV3Z]
5 yearsYoU & me boTh bRuh.!
5 yearsHeR aLL whiTe gangbanG scene was heR besT woRK.!
5 yearsWhaT's iT maTTeR this is the onLy scene she haS eveR shoT.!???!
5 years#LeGenD
5 yearsThis biTcXh sTaY knocKed up I hopE she tReaTin' theM kids righT.!
5 yearsI uSed to havE a thinG foR this seXy ass anaL loVin' ebonY sLuT.!
5 years"M15Ti.L0vE" noT KapRi.!
5 yearsShe shines when she has moRe than 1 dicK to pLaY wiTh she shouLd do moRe oF thaT.!
5 years"J4yd3N.L3E"
5 years"H4L0na V0G"
5 yearsThe leGend BRiaN SuReW00D.!
5 yearsI'vE neveR seen this whoRe do anY inTeRRaciaL scenes.!???
5 yearsLazY trash ass scene.!!
5 yearsSiLLy biTcH hoW'd yoU leT iT coMe to this duMbasS whoRe....!
5 yearsThis taTTed up sKanK sLuT looKs liKe soMe cReaTuRe thaT you find luRKinG aRound beTweeN sKidRoW and downToWn LaS VeGaS aT nighT.!!
5 yearsWhaT the heLL is this gaRBaGe.???
5 yearsDo yoU havE anY moRe oF the scenes fRoM thiS DvD.??
5 yearsYup.!!
5 years"AmiLiaN KusH"
5 years"PR1M@"
5 yearsYoU musT be sTupid.!!
5 yearsThiS ain'T LuCi this is NyLa heR sisTeR.!
5 yearsGood to seE soMe oF my vids aRe sTiLL up.!
5 yearsCan'T sTand thiS laMe faG.!!
5 yearsLvPe.BuRn3TT