I think it might how it translates.
13 daysshown at the 1:40 mark
1 monthno SPRD-1444
4 monthsnot AWD-098
5 monthsYuri Honma
5 monthsnot gvg-482
9 monthsTitle is the code. Just flip the letters and numbers
9 monthsNanao Nakano
9 monthsblack gal is a rough translation for the japanese word Gyaru
10 monthsthe code in the title is correct, but first half should be mrss
10 monthsReiko Kobayakawa
11 monthsIt meant to be My Husband's son, so it's her stepson not his
11 monthsIt's for if you want to find out who was in it or if you want to watch similar movies by the same studio. Also a way to find if you want to buy a copy orsomething
11 monthsAyako Inoue or Inoue Ayako
11 monthsIf you want to find where to buy or find a subtitled version you use it to do a search
1 yearat the start of the video
1 yearcode?
2 yearsmissing first 30m of film. It's meant to be 150m, but this version is only 120m
3 yearsIn Japan it's illegal to show uncencored sex or genitalia on film. This is the reason why anime is so popular
3 yearsActual Title: The Stepmom Of Two Good-for-nothing Sons, Is Used By Them To Process Their Libidos. The one given is for JUL-722
3 yearsshown at start
3 yearsMari Kuroki or Kuroki Mari
3 yearsnot gvg-946
3 yearspity this is dubbed in russian I think
3 yearswrong title
3 yearsdasd-899
3 yearsactual title is Allyson is Watching
3 yearsfinh-039
3 yearscode?
3 yearsNKKD097. shown @ about 1min mark
3 yearsActual title is Tis Pity She's A Whore
3 yearswrong actress
3 yearsnot vec-209
3 yearsYuki Shin and have seen it listed as Yuki Jin
3 yearscode?
3 yearsno premise is he is new step father of both girls
4 yearscode?
4 yearsSaijou Sara