it's a he you moron
1 yearquality sucks
1 yearBet in smelled like weed, hennesey, black and mild and funk - way too much talking
1 year2 of those guys were average and not BBC
1 yearWhy? The ladies were not attractive- one lady just sat on the bed doing nothing- what was the prupose of the 3rd girl being in the scene- if this the best lesbian scene you set the bar very low
1 yearvideo quality not good
1 yearshe puts on a strap on and don't even use it SMH
1 yeardamn she fucked her good
1 yearWesley Pipes messed up every scene with his constant non stop talking
1 yearif Elmer Fudd had a sister lol
1 yearMisty Stone gets too over dramatic
1 yearthis was a horrible scene
2 yearsit wouldn't be a lesbian scene if there was real dick WTF? Don't watch lesbians scenes next time
2 yearsHas Lee ever made a scene where he didn't do anal?
2 yearsEbony????
2 yearshairy armpits yuck
2 yearswas the a/c off?
2 yearsno where close to 11 inches
2 yearsUmmm than you are Bi- quit the cap and the denial
2 yearsmilk is fake
2 yearsshe's top only
2 yearsher name is literally in the title smh
2 yearsSucking a dick with a condom on is like sucking a lolipop with the wrapper on, but maybe he was a stranger especially since it's in a restroom
2 yearsshe could use a wax
2 yearstheir names are right in the beginning dude
2 yearsHe obviously knew it and kept going lol
2 yearsDoes he have an extender on?
2 yearsThat's not mandingo not even close
2 yearsvery weird they never kissed
2 yearsOne of the best male porn stars
2 yearsShe's slim NOT skinny there's a difference
2 yearsI knw it's a gangbang but way too many dudes
2 yearsI remember when Jack was labeled "the biggest dick in porn" and now theres about 10 porn stars far larger than jack
2 yearsfake moans
2 yearsNo it wasn't hot at all I wish Porn for fucking not kissing
2 yearsno english
2 yearsshe isn't ebony
2 yearsikr tranny has a non fuctioning cock
3 yearsthis is on a loop
3 yearsthey both look like ghetto trash
3 yearsI wish the stud was vocal
3 yearsThat's not LT