looked way better back in the day
2 monthsThat poor bedframe...
6 monthsWhy do all these bitches have to turn into porkers
11 monthsBitch just looks busted now...
1 yearGot damn this bitch is a butter face
1 yearShe embarrassed she got fat af..
1 yearLooked way better before
1 yearseriously gross
1 yearYoung Mal was best Mal, not this bloated whale...
1 yearThis women looks ridiculous
1 yearLooked way better before
1 yearFucking butter face with a flat-pancake ass
1 yearI didn't realize the bitch was that short. She's still fire tho
1 yearbonita da sax
1 yearbigcutiesmargot
1 yearPlease more RedVelvet6877! I dont know why her shit is so hard to find!
2 yearswtf is that haircut even called. Do they walk in and say, "gimme the stupid, please."
2 yearsLiterally laugh out loud at this comment
2 yearsThese fucking women are out of control
2 yearsGross
2 yearsLeft side was way better.
2 years9:40, anyone got full?
2 yearsTotally underrated comment
2 yearsFake bullshit is getting old...
2 yearsYup, she looked great. Now she's just a common whale.
2 yearsstraight up just fat now
2 yearsSorry but she just looks gross now. Bitch blew-up like a balloon
2 yearsRedvelvet
3 yearsDude this bitch is boring as fuck. She can't handle sh!t
3 yearsWhat's that look at 10:22...
4 yearsback before Mal just turned into just another fat bbw...
4 yearsAs in she looked normal and not like a fucking gross wax figure
4 yearsIsnt her name tinysatan
5 yearsBody 10/10; Face 1/10
5 yearswhy??
5 yearsGod damn this bitch has an annoying voice!
5 yearsCan someone please tell her that she doesnt have anything to shake...
5 yearswho stole this poor girls tits and stuck them in her belly
5 yearshow???
5 yearsShe looked so much better before...
6 yearsI wonder if she realizes taht having big love-handles isn't the same thing as having a big ass....
6 years...before she fucked up...
6 yearsthats what happens when you get that get tuckered out from just standing...
6 yearsfucking gross....
6 yearsdoes any one else have the strange urge to punch that bitch square in her dumb face....
6 yearsUggh... fuckin wiggers
6 yearsI wish Mazz would go back to looking like she just looks like a bloated teletubbie...
6 yearsw...t...f...
6 yearswho is she? ...those lips...damn!
6 yearsWTF kind of creature is that...?
6 yearsYo! this girl has a youtube