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別再上傳這種令人情緒反彈又髒眼睛的玩意.... Stop uploading such emotionally-repulsive and dirty-eyed stuff....
1 yearThis file can be watched completely online without any problem~ But the download part is interrupted after a little bit of download~ Could you please make a big adjustment???
1 year此檔案可以完整的線上觀看沒有問題~ 但是下載部分都是下載一點點就中斷~ 可以麻煩大大調整修正一下嗎???
1 yearThanks for sharing~^^ But this file cannot be downloaded normally~ Can you please re-edit the upload and download files~Thanks ^^
1 year感謝大大的分享~^^ 但此檔案無法正常正確下載~ 能否請大大重新編輯上傳下載檔案~感謝^^