100%!!! Yes!!!
2 monthsLook at the screen 3 seconds into the scene!
2 monthsSame!!!!
2 monthsHilarious! Please spend several hours re-editing for free, thanks!!
2 monthsRight!? Somebody puts in hours and hours of editing time only for a free viewer to whine about it not matching their specific tastes! Then make your own!
2 monthsIt is right on the screen!
2 monthsJennifer Welles.
2 monthsBronze, if you mean the woman with the light brown eyes.
3 monthsIt is in the video description.
3 monthsHername is in the video description, under the video
3 monthsI can Dm it.
4 monthsPorn like the US is run by capitalism, she and most actresses, charge more to swallow, if you don't pay molre, she won't.
4 monthsA young Proxy Paige makes an appearance!
4 monthsL0l@ F@3.
4 monthsAria Lee.
1 yearW!ll0w Ryd3r.
1 yearThank you so very much!
1 yearI just sent her name.
1 yearI shall.
1 yearI can DM you her name.
1 yearScene 1. Skin Diamond, Prince Yahshua Scene 2. Jorani James, Valarie Gibson, Mr. Marcus Scene 3. Valarie Gibson, Rico Strong Scene 4. Jayden Hart, Remy Hart, Jon Q., Wesley Pipes Scene 5. Rihanna Rimes, Prince Yahshua
2 yearsIt's literally crawling across the bottom of the screen.
3 yearsShe was one of the greats!
3 yearsSeconded and the motion is moved to a committee session for approval!
3 yearsIt's right above the video, next to "Idkfrwavjid".
3 yearsDaizy Cooper in the dark pink swimsuit and Ashley Pink.
3 yearsShe's one of the top Latinas in the game!
3 yearsSad, no sense of history.
4 yearsThat's Alia Starr.
4 yearsMaitland Ward, formerly of "Boy Meets World".
4 yearsWhich one?
5 yearsHer name is at the top, right next to the title and under your name and avatar, if you've logged in.
5 years#Facts!
5 yearsScounderls, The Opening of
5 yearsAna Foxxx and Kira Noir are also gorgeous and are nastier, but you can't go wrog with any of them.
5 yearsJada Doll is not Indian, she's a light-skinned Black woman from Casa Grande, AZ.
5 years@v@ 3d3n.
5 yearsI'd put Catalina Taylor, Heather Hunter, Idalis Hunter Kayla and Lana Sands in there as well.
5 yearsI noticed that you show the aftermath, but not the moment of eruption. Might I ask why you focus your editing that way? Thank you, the work is so clean.
5 yearsC@s3y C@lv3rt
5 yearsIn the US where the "1 drop rule" has been applied since the earliest days of chattel slavery, largely so that slave masters wouldn't lose the progeny that they fathered, she'd be considered a "light-skinned" Black woman. Being born or having recent origins outside of the US, has been what allows Hispanics/Latino/Mestizo people to slip through the loophole and avoid being labelled as Black.
5 yearsFacts!
5 yearsFacts, she's Cubana and not a Rubia.
5 yearsIt's on the page, right above the handle for the poster.
5 yearsHer name rhymes with Valley Days.
5 yearsRead the description right above the Tags: and Category.
5 yearsFemale finishes are the best!
5 yearsThat was a top 5 scene in both of there careers.
5 yearsExcept for when it's LT.
5 years
5 yearsThank you!
5 yearsMandy Muse.
6 yearsI can DM it to you if you want, it was her 1st IR and 1st IR Anal.
6 yearsVida Valentine.
6 yearsWell said!
6 yearsIt's in the graphics and she said it in the video.
6 yearsThis is the BTS from the BuddhaBang 3 way with Jimmy Dean Suga Slim and XO Pink of Creep Life Entertainment.
6 yearsBeauty Dior
6 yearsWhy can't more video finish with the women finishing the scene that way?
6 yearsDee Rida, it's in the title.
6 yearsDitto!
6 yearsHell yes!!
6 yearsKatt Garcia.
6 yearsAnyone have a name for this slim PYT?
6 years
This was a good one!
6 yearsThis is a solid series, the best ones are when the woman is actually turned on.
7 yearsToni Sweets was so underrated!
7 years1 Busty Latina and 1 British born Black woman, Rachel Anna Brownstein AKA Alexis Silver, is of: Jamaican, Italian, and American descent.
7 yearsA Throwback From LickUmLow LeLe!
7 yearsHell yeah!!