don't watch don't listen you won't regret it you'll be porn's bitch you'll quit and relapse and be more hooked all you'll want to do is isolate yourself in front of your screen and stroke your dick or rub your pussy it'll just keep getting stronger deeper more fucked up you won't believe how much of a pervert you really are
I love porn so fucking much.
don't watch don't listen you won't regret it you'll be porn's bitch you'll quit and relapse and be more hooked all you'll want to do is isolate yourself in front of your screen and stroke your dick or rub your pussy it'll just keep getting stronger deeper more fucked up you won't believe how much of a pervert you really are
I've ruined my life because of pirn addiction. I've lost friends, family, and loved ones because of it. I couldn't be happier
This is not an addiction...this is a gift