The European actress who speaks with an accent is not the American actress Olivia Taylor (who has a "Text along spine" tattoo, as well as a "man in the moon" upper left arm tattoo that the lady in this video does not have; this one has a "one day - one life" tattoo on her left forearm, as may be seen at the seventeen second mark), but instead, Olivia Wilder. The "HGF" stands for "Hard Fuck Girls," and it appears her co-stars are named Igor, Vova, and Sergei.
The European actress who speaks with an accent is not the American actress Olivia Taylor (who has a "Text along spine" tattoo, as well as a "man in the moon" upper left arm tattoo that the lady in this video does not have; this one has a "one day - one life" tattoo on her left forearm, as may be seen at the seventeen second mark), but instead, Olivia Wilder. The "HGF" stands for "Hard Fuck Girls," and it appears her co-stars are named Igor, Vova, and Sergei.
that's pro porno culture