It's funny how they get these women to script this shit apparently! 1st time on camera but been in the industry for a minute! What the fuck right? Just be honest because it makes ZERO SENSE & this Nick guy is a bit of a fucking weirdo like FOREAL! Don't get this guy at all! His methods or the fact these women worked with these guys! 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽
It's so weird that she says that it's her first time on camera but do some research and you will find more than 10 vids
Thank you for fact checking the video I'm about to nut to.
what's her stage name.. i like her
What other vids has she done?
same fo all of them
Mary Queen Fox
name plz????
Are you really that dim ?
It's funny how they get these women to script this shit apparently! 1st time on camera but been in the industry for a minute! What the fuck right? Just be honest because it makes ZERO SENSE & this Nick guy is a bit of a fucking weirdo like FOREAL! Don't get this guy at all! His methods or the fact these women worked with these guys! 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽
saw the spades tattoo.. ruined...